Virgin Wellness

Bridging Cultures, Shaping Wellness


Art Diretion & Design
Online-Offline Integration
Digital Strategy

Art Diretion & Design // Online-Offline Integration // Digital Strategy

In our partnership with Virgin Wellness, we navigated the landscape of online and offline platforms, fostering a connection with the diverse culture of Saudi Arabia. Embracing both tradition and innovation, our collaboration with Dawsat aimed to combat obesity and diabetes across the Arab world, amplifying Virgin Wellness's commitment to a healthier lifestyle.


The Human Touch

In crafting the offline platform for the Virgin Wellness Megastore, we embraced a visual language where green, symbolizing a healthy lifestyle, seamlessly integrates with Saudi culture. Beyond aesthetics, our design prioritized the human touch, offering customers a knowledgeable guide to navigate the journey into wellness. Real-life product showcases, alongside magazines and explainer screens, fostered trust, connecting products with their inherent wellness value.


Wellness in the Digital Realm

The digital sphere is a great place to gather people around a shared interest. We created #wellness_life community to increase engagement with the Virgin Wellness brand, along with a digital platform created by Dawsat, who knows exactly how to speak the values of the Arab world. To raise awareness, each megastore also included a screen showing the digital platform.