Crossing Over

Wellness is already a familiar concept throughout the world, but making it more accessible to different cultures requires different strategizing.
This is why Virgin Wellness knew they could count on us to help their online and offline Virgin Megastore platforms reach people throughout the Arab world, while still being consistent with their unique culture.

As a country with traditions that go well over a thousand years, we knew we had to use both traditional and new ways to get the people of Saudi Arabia interested in the healthy lifestyle that Virgin Wellness offers. The result – a collaboration between Virgin Wellness and Dawsat, a digital solution aiming to reduce obesity and diabetes across the Arab world.


Healthy Eye-Candy

The offline platform we designed for the Virgin Wellness Megastore included a visual language that uses green as the lead color, to represent a healthy lifestyle that goes hand-in-hand with Saudi culture.

The Human Touch

Nothing creates more credibility than a trustworthy human tutor.
Each Virgin Wellness megastore includes a knowledgeable guide that helps customers through their journey into wellness. On top of that, all the products are showcased real-life, to help create a sense of trust, along with magazines and an explainer screen to connect the products with their wellness value.

Let’s Get Digital, Digital!

The digital sphere is a great place to gather people around a shared interest.
The #wellness_life community was created to increase engagement with the Virgin Wellness brand, along with a digital platform created by Dawsat, who know exactly how to speak the values of the Arab world. In order to raise awareness, each Megastore also included a screen showing the digital platform.
