A story worth telling:

Brainnu making the headlines​

Shany Hadad's Resilience Guide

Navigating Business Challenges

Our CEO, Shany Hadad, recently joined the ‘Radio Hevrati’ podcast, sharing invaluable strategies for business resilience. This insightful conversation occurred the same night President Biden departed from Israel, underlining the significance of preparing for an ever-changing business landscape. Shany’s key message revolves around arming yourself with the right strategies, looking ahead, and maintaining a positive outlook, even in uncertain times.

Open brain surgery

Webcreators & Isracard conference

Our CEO, Shany Hadad, arrived with all the surgical tools she collected along the way, and came to perform open brain surgery at a meetup that is all about the shopping frenzy in the shopping month of November.

Where is my mind?

The Talk Upistiot 2.0 conference 15.09.2022

In a fascinating lecture our CEO, Shany Hadad, pulled a few rabbits out of the hat and told the audience how simple storytelling techniques can be used to make our audience feel. with all my heart.

20 Women Bring a Brainnu Hope

An article at @ Orly & Guy

Kicking off 2021 was a pretty big deal to us, as we launched our “20 women who made 2020 a whole lot cooler” list – which made quite an impact on social media.

Watch our CEO’s interview for Orly & Guy about how the idea came to be, and what was the reason behind our careful choice of women for the magazine

Speaking up for a better future

An article at @ inspirational Speakers

Although the world is progressing fast and topics like gender, racism and equal opportunities are being addressed and taken more seriously, we often still face prejudice and bias in our society. At the beginning of her career, Shany our CEO came to a point where she was expected by her superiors to give up her own identity, which led to her immediate resignation. From that day on, she never missed an opportunity to tell her story and give others the courage to follow in her footsteps and take action, for our future. Today she had one of those special opportunities, when she was invited to share her experience and thoughts at the “Systemic Change & Power Distribution” panel, as part of the Immersive Experience Design course curriculum at Hyper Island school in Stockholm.

CEO year wrap up

An article at @ walla news

We all had it pretty rough with COVID-19 putting us on hold, but the ones who took the biggest hit are of course, businesses. In this special interview, Shany, our CEO, explains how we made it through the crazy, and where the next Brainnu branch will be established. Hint: There will be lots of Sushi 😉

The AI Museum: Unveiling the Spark

An article at @ New-Tech Magazine

Everyone’s buzzing about the origin story of the AI Museum! Luckily, New-Tech magazine got the scoop and sat down with us to explore the vision that ignited this revolutionary project.

The AI museum: A backstage glimpse

An article at @ New-Tech Magazine

Many people wanted to know how we came up with the idea of an AI museum, so the New-Tech magazine has picked up the gauntlet and asked us all the juicy questions.

Young and unstoppable

An article at @ Mako

When it comes to career, which weighs more – years of experience, or the courage to just give it a shot? 
Shany, our CEO, only had her ambitious attitude and buckets of courage when she first started her own business, at the age of 26.
And her answer? Right in this article > 

Pink mirror

An article at @ TECH-IL

Our phenomenal, first ever AI museum continues to make the headlines, this time in the TECH-IL magazine, whose editor called up and asked for all the juicy details.

Telling our future story

An article at @ PC

The People and Computers magazine heard about our AI museum and wanted their share of the hot news 🙂 Read all about the process that gets artists, designers, tech and deep learning people to work together, creating one masterpiece of a show

Brainnu VS. Recycling

An article at @ Status magazine

At some point, we all tend to get a little too comfortable. But when it comes to marketing, comfort is the enemy, and reusing creative ideas is the iceberg of our glorious Titanic. Why? And what do we do about it?


An article at @ Marketing Managers Tweet

When life forces you to reinvent yourself as a brand, you wanna have someone who tells stories for a living, and does it well. So how did we manage to save a brand from facing a full-on shut down during COVID-19?

The tech ladies takeover

An article at @ Calcalist

Some things are worth creating a fuss over, which is exactly what we did for the mentoring program of the MIT Enterprise Forum of Israel- a social media challenge that went a long way. 35K Mentions, to be more accurate. So what did the Calcalist had to say about it?

Art, meet Robots.

An article at @ maariv

Ever wondered what our food, plants and even toys will look like in the future? We definitely have, and we decided it was time to share our wild vision with the rest of the world. Proudly introducing our project: the first ever AI museum. Where future technology and art come together, to create something unimaginably better. And it’s all over the news too:)

TikTok’s here to stay

An article at @ walla news

Whether you’re a parent to heavily hooked kids, a freaked out marketer or just people over 30 who can’t for the life of them figure out what this TikTok fuss is all about, our CEO has published an article just for you >

When the big banner gets banned

An article at @ walla news

Coca Cola, Pepsico, Ben & Jerry’s, The North Face and other giant brands have all announced a boycut on Facebook. And when a bunch of massive advertisers get pissed, even Mark Zuckerberg  can’t help rethinking his policy. How will all this drama end? Our CEO has an educated guess >

The right way to create an effective employer branding

An article at @ all marketing

One of the new and booming trends in recent years is employer branding, which is in other words- the way to build a better relationship with your employees, inspire, motivate and nurture their pride in their workplace. And of course- seem more attractive to quality prospects. So how is it really done? Check out this article >

What's your story?

Storytelling Webinar

In this Webinar, which was made in collaboration with the Israel Internet Association (ISOC-IL), our CEO tells the story of telling a story- and how to use this superpower to attract interest and business opportunities like you’re gravity. Check out the full video >

An interview ׳Boker Or׳ @ Channel 10

#SAVE_RONI Campaign

When a pro-bono social media campaign manages to get over 20,000 people to line up and put a stick in their mouth in order to save a life, that’s what we call newsworthy! Our CEO, Shany Hadad, talks about the massive campaign we ran to save Roni Cohen, a girl who was diagnosed with Leukemia right before her wedding.

An interview @ L'isha magazine

#SAVE_RONI Campaign

SAVE_RONI campaign created a huge buzz, and of course, everybody wanted a piece of it:) Women magazine “L’isha” asked for all the deets…

An interview @ Yediot newspaper

The multi-talent women project

Modern women are awesome, we’ve already established that. And yet, some women are extra awesome:) Yediot Ahronot newspaper asked our CEO, Shany Hadad and two other women who juggle three different careers successfully, what it takes and how they do it. Teach us, maestro!

The ‘Visual First’ pitch

Elementor meetup, 17.07.19

Every woman’s nightmare: finding out someone else is wearing the same dress as you at an event. We aspire to be original and unique. To be “the first” and “the only ones”. Our secret- always think ‘visual first’.

The storytelling pitch

Press 4 Word conference, 12.09.19

Storytelling is a subtle art. It’s the ability to find just the right angle, the right point of view and the right words and tone to leverage feelings and turn them into pure marketing gold. So how do you go about that? We shared the answer with the audience at this one of a kind convention.

The Morning Coffee Club initiative

You have the idea, you have the ambition but still not sure where to begin? At our    ׳ Morning coffee club׳ project you can book a 30 minutes coffee appointment with pro entrepreneurs and professionals who can give you some pointers, free of charge. Our way of giving back and creating some good karma:)